Get low-cost finance to make your home more energy efficient

Upgrading your home just became a whole lot easier thanks to The Home Energy Upgrade Loan Scheme. The scheme is designed to make residential home energy upgrades more accessible and affordable for eligible homeowners.

The scheme supports energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades where those works are also being grant-aided by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI).

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Heat pump

Get low-cost finance to make your home more energy efficient

Upgrading your home just became a whole lot easier thanks to The Home Energy Upgrade Loan Scheme. The scheme is designed to make residential home energy upgrades more accessible and affordable for eligible homeowners.

The scheme supports energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades where those works are also being grant-aided by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI).

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Heat pump

The steps to a more comfortable home and low cost finance

Loan Details

Loans must be used for the purposes of upgrading the energy efficiency and decarbonisation of a home.

  • Unsecured loans from a minimum of €5,000 to a maximum of €75,000 per property – maximum aggregate loan of €225,000 per applicant if borrowing for more than one property (maximum three properties).
  • Terms from a minimum of one year to a maximum of 10 years.
  • Loans will be available up to 31 December 2026 or prior to that date in certain circumstances.
  • The Loan Scheme is currently available through AIB, Bank of Ireland and Permanent TSB (other financial institutions will soon be added)

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Eligibility criteria

  • The purpose of the loan must be to carry out home energy upgrade works
  • You must be the owner of the home
  • The property must be located in the Republic of Ireland
  • The home energy upgrades must first qualify for a grant from SEAI
  • The works must be carried out by an SEAI registered One Stop Shop, like Energlaze
  • At least 75% of the loan amount must be spent on eligible measures
  • The home must be projected to achieve a min 20% uplift on the current energy performance (BER) of the building
  • Loans cannot be used to fund projects that have already completed the works
  • Full terms and conditions are available on the SBCI website here.